Crispy skin salmon Jamie Oliver

Crispy skin salmon Jamie Oliver

Crispy Skin Salmon Jamie Oliver has gone on to hold a cherished designation: among some of the “foodies” people around the world—thanks in great part to the excellent combination it represents: perfectly cooked, flaky, and tender fish with a snap-crackling crisp to its skin. It is a unique dish found on the repertoire of both fine dining and home cooking menus, heralded for its rich flavors and invariably elegant presentation.

Why Crispy Skin Salmon Jamie Oliver Recipe Stands Out

One person who has done a great deal in popularizing crispy skin salmon in the surrounding years is the celebrity chef Jamie Oliver. New cooking techniques and an infectious, fresh personality have inspired home cooks in a major way to be more creative about food preparation and recipes that use new-fangled and innovative ingredients. His affection for simple and tasty dishes has practically immortalized him in many households, which is easy to notice in dishes such as crispy skin salmon.

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Required Ingredients- crispy skin salmon Jamie Oliver


  • Fresh salmon fillet
  • Olive oil
  • Sea salt
  • Black pepper
  • Lemon
  • Fresh herbs
  • Butter

Here is Jamie Oliver’s recipe for crispy skin salmon. Use fresh salmon fillets. Put salt and pepper on the fish, and sprinkle with sea salt and black pepper. Put it skin-side down in a hot frying pan with some olive oil to crisp up. Squeeze a little lemon over a pan-seared fillet, and dust very lightly with chopped herbs; I would prefer parsley or dill but can make do with basil or cilantro. The final thing would be to throw a knob of butter into a pan, so that way it gets a nice richness to the skin.

How to cook: step-by-step instructions

To achieve crispy skin on salmon, follow these steps for a mouthwatering dish that will impress your taste buds:

Preparing the Salmon

  • Start with a high-quality piece of salmon. Freshness is key for delicious crispy skin.
  • Pat the skin of the salmon completely dry with paper towels. Moisture is the enemy of crispy skin.

Preparing the Skin

  • Using a sharp knife, score the skin of the salmon fillets in a crisscross pattern. This helps prevent the skin from curling during cooking.
  • Liberally season the fish with salt and pepper. You may add more herbs and spices to provide even more flavor.
Crispy skin salmon Jamie Oliver

Cooking the Salmon

1. Heat a non-stick pan over medium-high heat. Place the salmon in the pan skin-side down without overcrowding.

2. Cook the salmon without moving it for about 5-6 minutes. This allows the skin to crisp up beautifully.

3. Flip the salmon and cook for an additional 2-3 minutes on the flesh side until it reaches your desired level of doneness.

4. Remove the salmon from the pan and let it rest for a few minutes before serving to lock in the juices.

5. Plate your perfectly cooked salmon with crispy skin and enjoy the crunchy texture paired with the tender flesh.

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Japanese salmon skin recipe

Tips for Achieving Crispy Skin

  • Ensure the salmon fillets are at room temperature before cooking to promote even cooking.
  • In order to avoid the skin sticking, use a non-stick pan.
  • Avoid overcrowding the pan, as this can cause the skin to steam rather than crisp up.
Crispy skin salmon Jamie Oliver

Serving Suggestions:

Serving Suggestions: Pairing ideas and side dishes to complement the crispy skin salmon.

Lemon Butter Sauce: One of the classically proven time-tested sauces to aunaturally match the salmon. The skin of the salmon is just split to give way to the tender flaky flesh that takes up the zesty richness of the lemon butter sauce. And it will be exactly the touch of luxuriousness in the buttery sauce.

Roasted Asparagus: This makes a very good side dish together with crispy skin salmon. Everything else is quite earthy, very earthy, very earthy with the salmon. This plate just screams that it really pops with the green.

Quinoa Salad: What would be better to be served with crisp-skinned salmon if not a nice, light, and splendidly nutritious quinoa salad? The tenderness of the grain, fresh vegetables, and tart dressing make a really nice contrast to the salty taste of the salmon.

Garlic Mashed Potatoes: Tasteless or garlic mashed potatoes could be quite a nice coupling to many comfort foods that salmon is to be served with. The creamy aspect and essence of garlic in the mashed potato will enrich the contentment of the eater toward the salmon, therefore an indulgent dish.

Mixed Green Salad: This, quite clearly, is some mixed salad leaves with vinaigrette. It is refreshing green that will be done justice with crispy skin salmon. The crisp texture from the greens will give it an exciting contrast against the crispy skin.

Crispy skin salmon Jamie Oliver

Health Benefits of Crispy Skin Salmon Jamie Oliver

Rich in Omega-3s: Salmon is rich in Omega-3 fats, counted among the major fat needs that help with mind function and reduce inflammation in the body.

High in Protein- Salmon also provides good quality proteins in a great amount, imperative to cells in the body for providing energy, for repair and renewal of tissues, building of muscles, and healing.

Good source of vitamins and minerals. The products derived from salmon are good for the human body, high in content not only of vitamin B12 and D but also of selenium and potassium, among many other important nutrients.

Heart Health: Regular consumption of salmon may keep in check the risk for certain heart diseases, such as control of inflammation, blood pressure, and improvement in cholesterol levels.

Brain Health: Most of the fats afforded by the Omega-3 fatty acids supplied by fatty fish are found to have positive impacts on the health of the brain, especially its memory power and protection against cognitive decline.

Salmon is not only yummy, but its rich nutrients are appended with more value in including this particular fish in your regular diet. Your health can relish quite a few benefits from it, right from a healthier heart to your brain functions being well-fulfilled. So the next time round, whenever charting out your meal plan, do not forget to include some salmon with it and add to the taste of health.

Crispy skin salmon Jamie Oliver

FAQs about crispy skin salmon jamie oliver

How do you roast salmon Jamie Oliver?

Pour in the wine and cover with boiling water to completely submerge the fish, then bring to a steady simmer. Drizzle the fish lightly with olive oil and lay it on top of the potatoes and fennel. Stuff the cavity with half of the herb sprigs and half of the sliced lemon. Hold the remaining lemon slices and herb sprigs for later. Cook the fish in this screaming heat for 15 minutes, then lower the temperature to 180ºC/350ºF/gas 4 and give it another 30-35 minutes.

Why is my salmon skin not crispy?

Use a non-stick pan; its coating will be an enemy to a good sear. You need fat, either peanut oil, canola oil, or clarified butter—something that’s going to carry a nice smoke point, cause to the salmon skin what you’re about to do.

What is the tastiest way to cook salmon?

Wrap up the fish with a little added flavor of some aromatics, citrus, and even some veggies into a parchment packet. Drizzle just a bit of olive oil in there. The steam in the packet infuses with the fragrance and gently cooks the fish, so it turns out soft like butter. Bonus: All you have to clean up is a quick spray. The parchment packages need only around 425°F/15 minutes.

What is the secret to best salmon?

So, you want skin that comes out crisp and flavorful, just like with chicken? In which case, the best trick is by far to cook the salmon skin-side down, darkly caramelized, exaggeratedly well-rendered, lightly browned and crisp, well before turning the salmon over to finish.

How can crispy salmon skin be achieved without overcooking it?

You do want fairly high heat at the beginning, but cooking at that temperature for the entire duration will have your salmon overcooking on its exposed outside layers, and it will likely not be fully cooked through in the center.

What kind of flour is used for crispy fish skin?

The salt will draw any moisture up to the floor of the pores and skin. After 15 minutes, use paper towels to completely dry the fish after scraping off the salt and moisture. The fish pores and pores and skin additionally may be lightly dusted with flour, an awesome way to additionally assist acquire a crisp quit.

Crispy skin salmon Jamie Oliver


It was quite a fun experience cooking crispy skin salmon at home. You need to pull off the assembled fillet salmon and leave the skin on. Once the fillets are seasoned, patting them dry will help them be crispy. While the cooking process is happening, ensure that the pan is heated up before the skin is lined down. This will make the skin crispy and nice.

Lightly season the salmon with some dill, thyme, or even lemon zest to conjure an exciting flavor addition. You can boost the combination by serving the roasted salmon on the side of fresh salad or roasted vegetables. Last but not least, before serving, squeeze some lemon juice on top of the fish, since it brightens the flavors.

That’s all in his fine sense for detail and love of good food. Just enjoy the process and the delicious result together with family and friends.

You may love to read: Japanese salmon skin recipe

Crispy skin salmon Jamie Oliver

Course: DinnerCuisine: modern European cuisineDifficulty: Easy


Prep time


Cooking time






  • Fresh salmon fillet

  • Olive oil

  • Sea salt

  • Black pepper

  • Lemon

  • Fresh herbs

  • Butter


  • Preparing the Salmon
    – Start with a high-quality piece of salmon. Freshness is key for delicious crispy skin.
    – Pat the skin of the salmon completely dry with paper towels. Moisture is the enemy of crispy skin.
  • Preparing the Skin
    Using a sharp knife, score the skin of the salmon fillets in a crisscross pattern. This helps prevent the skin from curling during cooking.
    Liberally season the fish with salt and pepper. You may add more herbs and spices to provide even more flavor.
  • Cooking the Salmon
    Heat a non-stick pan over medium-high heat. Place the salmon in the pan skin-side down without overcrowding.
  • Cook the salmon without moving it for about 5-6 minutes. This allows the skin to crisp up beautifully.
  • Flip the salmon and cook for an additional 2-3 minutes on the flesh side until it reaches your desired level of doneness.
  • Remove the salmon from the pan and let it rest for a few minutes before serving to lock in the juices.
  • Plate your perfectly cooked salmon with crispy skin and enjoy the crunchy texture paired with the tender flesh.

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